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The deadline to submit DSPs of the Year has passed. Thank you to everyone who submitted.

The deadline to submit special award nominations has passed. Thank you to everyone who has submitted. A CPNRI Team member will contact you shortly.

Below are the descriptions of the four special awards this year. Please note some have changed. To submit a special award nomination, please scroll down to the bottom of this tab.

Excellence in Service Award

The Excellence in Service Awarded was named in 2009 in honor of Susan K. Foote, a Speech-Language Pathologist at Perspectives for 18 years and a clinical team member for other agencies, including Avatar, Looking Upwards, and LIFE. The Excellence in Service Award is given to a professional who has helped create a person-centered inclusive community and demonstrated creativity and leadership, resulting in life changes for people supported. This award is given for outstanding contributions as a professional in services related to/or affecting people with developmental disabilities. Consideration is given to volunteer endeavors or exemplary practices.

2023 Winner: Frank DiRaimo, Perspectives Corporation

The Governmental Service Award was initially named in honor of David Nimmo, who directed the Social Service Unit of the RI Division of Developmental Disabilities. This award is given to a state or federal service employee or an elected official who has contributed to the improved quality of life for people with developmental disabilities, including promoting policies at a community, state, or national level.Β 

2023 Winners: Speaker of the House Joseph Shekarchi & Senate President Dominick Ruggerio

This award is given to a person (s) making outstanding contributions to their community. This person or team is judged on longevity, creativity, leadership, and inclusion within an agency and professional service, resulting in life changes for people supported. Nominees can include program managers/directors, coordinators/team leaders, or the entire team/program staff. This award is no longer limited to residential staff or teams but applies to other services.

2023 Winner: Ava Voice, Avatar

Many employers and organizations, including fitness clubs, breweries, restaurants, retail stores, and more, have partnered with CPNRI’s members. This award recognizes an organization or employer with a new or existing partnership with one or more of CPNRI’s member organizations for its commitment to creating an inclusive workplace community.

2023 Winner: Bally’s Twin River

The deadline to submit photos for our annual slideshow has passed. Thank you to everyone who submitted photos!